Warranty terms
Warranty terms for all customers of Metalúrgica Imam Ltda
“ Metalúrgica Imam Ltda. will grant the original or Secondary purchaser (End Customer) the Warranty Right in the situations presented below.”
- Goods Receipt (Parts Stores, Distributors, Assemblers, Final Customer and others) – The guarantee will be granted if the buyer manifests problems such as: visual defects (damaged paintwork or oxidation), damaged packaging and missing volumes when receiving the goods.
- Goods stock (Parts Stores, Distributors, Assemblers, Final Customer and others) – A guarantee will be granted to the customer who manifests within 180 days in relation to oxidation defects and quantity of parts in disagreement with the order and original Invoice from Metalúrgica Imam;
- Final Customer – The guarantee will be granted to the customer who manifests himself within 60 days after purchase (Via Imam or Parts Stores or similar) / use in the field. For a complete analysis of the possible problem(s) reported, it is up to Metalúrgica Imam to request samples of parts that were found with problems or similar.
The parts replaced under this regime will be owned by Metalúrgica Imam.
Will cease WARRANTY RIGHTS when any of the following causes are found:
- Metalúrgica Imam’s product has been owned by the customer/end user for more than 60 days, and there may be exceptions in case of evidence of structural or dimensional problems related to the product and/or Imam process.
- Misuse of equipment contrary to specifications;
- Operation or handling in inappropriate places or by unqualified people;
- Negligence in keeping the parts (rain gutters) maintenance/assembly and/or modifications made without the consent of Metalúrgica Imam that could affect the operation.
- Bad transport of the goods after leaving Metalúrgica Imam to the final destination (Stores, Distributors and others, as well as for the Final Customer).
Note: Metalurgica reserves the right to improve and change the characteristics of its products, without the obligation to do so with those already sold and without giving prior notice.
The response time for the information and decisions taken will be a maximum of 30 days, counting from the insertion on the website and the creation of the Complaint protocol number.
In the event of requesting the presence of Technical Assistance or another person responsible for Metalúrgica Imam at the Store, Distributor or Final Customer to verify the incident/problem, the applicant will be responsible and liable if the call is found to be unfounded or the points mentioned in paragraph LOSS OF WARRANTY.