Get to know IMAM

IMAM Timeline

Our story begins in the mid-1970s, in the city of Guaramirim, north of Santa Catarina, a region colonized by Italians and Germans. A people who brought in their baggage the strong relationship between man and his work. And it was with this commitment that IMAM started to produce the first shovels, hoes, sickles and many other tools.

Começa nossa história

Fundação da Metalúrgica IMAM a partir dos sócios Lourival Stoinski e José Constâncio. Inicialmente produzíamos ferramentas manuais, de onde vem o nome IMAM – Instrumentos Manuais e Acessórios Metalúrgicos.

Crescimento da empresa

Neste ano houve um crescimento da empresa com a entrada dos sócios Isolda Maria Kinas Stoinski, Madalena Pisetta Guenter e Rodolfo Jahn Filho.

Reinvenção dos nossos produtos

Em um período de crise houve a saída dos sócios, restando na sociedade Lourival Stoinski, Isolda Maria Kinas Stoinski e Madalena Pisetta Guenter. Nesta mesma época houve uma reinvenção de nossos produtos quando partimos para a produção de peças para agricultura mecanizada, deixando de fabricar as ferramentas manuais.

Nos tornamos uma empresa unifamiliar

Nesta época entram na sociedade os filhos de Lourival Stoinski, tornando da IMAM uma empresa unifamiliar e dando continuidade ao crescimento contínuo.

Expansão da nossa área fabril

Expansão fabril com a implantação de uma moderna e inovadora fundição de cold box em árvore.

2ª geração da família

Com o falecimento de nosso fundador Lourival Stoinski, a empresa passa a ser administrada pela 2ª geração da família.

Inauguração de moderna unidade de fundição

Implantação de unidade filial com a transferência, ampliação e atualização da fundição, permitindo crescimento produtivo e tecnológico em ambas as plantas.

IMAM Process

Experienced and qualified technical team, with the necessary infrastructure for the development of new products, meeting the most diverse technical specifications within our manufacturing processes.

Equipped with a modern laboratory capable of performing various mechanical tests (hardness HB and HRC), metallurgical (optical spectrometry and metallographies and failure analysis} and sand (tensile strength, granulometry, % of fines and pH), ensuring the quality of the process and cast product.

100% cold box molding, ensuring high productivity, dimensional accuracy and excellent surface finish for small parts (up to 10kg).

Manufacture of parts in nodular iron alloys, high chromium white iron, carbon steel and low alloy according to technical standards or recipes specific to the client, guaranteeing maximum resistance to efforts submitted in the field.

High productivity stamping, dimensional precision and tools that allow the internal reuse of scrap.

Mechanical shaping of different types of steel, according to the technical specifications of the products, ensuring dimensional accuracy and excellent surface finish.

Machining center, milling cutters and lathes for removing materials and meeting critical dimensions and ensuring assembly with the highest required dimensional accuracy.

Gas ovens and induction heating, allowing normalization, total tempering, surface tempering, annealing and tempering, meeting the highest mechanical properties and technical requirements of the products.

Immersion painting and powder coating booths, ensuring the best finish and aesthetics of all painted products.


IMAM Ltd is committed to providing quality steel and cast iron parts that meet the needs and expectations of its customers, offering innovative solutions for the market, continuously improving its products and processes, providing the necessary resources for the constant growth and development of human potential, always acting with ethics and responsibility towards all interested parties.


To develop, produce and commercialize worldwide solutions in parts for agricultural equipment, generating value and sustainability of business.


To be a reference of excellence in agribusiness, being present in the people's minds and hearts.

Transparency in relationships

Responsibility and human development

Respect for the
environment environment

Do more
with less


Recognition and celebration of achievements

NBR ISO 9001:2015

In all processes, IMAM receives recognition with the presence of the quality seal of the ISO 9001 standard with its updates. For the company, a constant search for improvements and new technologies. For the customer, the guarantee of a final product of recognized performance and international standard.

Click here to view our certificate NBR ISO 9001:2015.